Favorite Resources for Career & Leadership Development


Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association www.hbanet.org

The HBA has 14 chapters offering networking opportunities at events for women in healthcare. I became a volunteer and launched the Chicago HBA Chapter in 2003. I found that the exposure I had to really strong, educated, talented and professional women had a profound impact on my professional development. It was a great experience leading a board of senior executives in this industry


Life Sciences Trainers & Educators Network (L-TEN) www.l-ten.org

This is a great industry association that invites all employees (trainers or not) of the industry who aspire to or have as a function of their job the role of training. The annual conference has practical workshops on sales, sales training, and management and leadership lessons. It also provides great networking opportunities. This year’s conference is in Chicago May 11- 14 at the Hyatt Regency.


Toastmasters International www.toastmasters.org

Early in my career I aspired to be an accomplished speaker, so I joined Toastmasters International where I received my CTM (Certified Toastmaster) award. The benefits to becoming a Toastmaster is the opportunity to interface with a multicultural membership, a place to practice speaking which occurs during interactive, purposeful, and inexpensive sessions. TM groups are in any zip code. Meetings take place at breakfast, lunch or dinner. It was during these meetings I practiced my important speeches and presentations in a safe and supportive environment.


Women in Leadership Today www.WomenInLeadershipToday.com

This is my new personal blog site where I focus on topics pertaining to leadership and career/life development for women in the Pharma industry. The site is interactive so you can get real time advice if you like to blog. The site deals with issues facing women in both work and life. One section spotlights a variety of women role models in field positions within the industry.